3 top LMS features that will improve your learning experience (2)

Published Date:  04 Jun, 2024 
| Updated Date:  13 Jan, 2025

Who?s using an LMS?

We talked before about the importance of using an LMS, why it is a big return of investment for your corporate learning journey and how you can smoothly implement it. But who is an LMS for? Does it matter who the learner is? Yes, it surely does. And Knolyx is designed in such a way that it addresses the goals and needs of various target audiences.

You can train your employees, your partners, your clients, and an LMS will provide the adequate tools for you to do that. We?ll list here a few types of training based on the profile of the learners, but do not worry if the learning experience you have in mind is not listed here, we can always adapt. You name it, you bring the learners, and we?ll make the process happen.

Employee training

?Employee training is defined as a planned set of activities for imparting knowledge to employees, such that it leads to a growth in job skills required for organizational growth. These could be technical, vocational, or management skills? (source). An LMS would foster a modern and engaging environment for knowledge delivery, turning a mandatory learning process into a learning journey that fits the styles and needs of modern learners.

Onboarding training

As you well know, the onboarding process is that activity when a new hire needs to acquire new skills, knowledge and behavior to integrate into the organizational structure of a specific company. Statistics show that great employee onboarding can improve employee retention by 82%, but unfortunately 82% of organizations don?t onboard well, with 28% focusing on processes and paperwork.

So, if you want to retain employees, to make a good first impression and to actually contribute to that employee?s productivity and satisfaction, you might want to implement an onboarding process that is more than processes and paperwork, and that actually adds value to the employee?s journey within the company, giving one the opportunity to acquire valuable tips and tricks into one?s future workplace, having the right skills, knowledge and tools to perform well and to be satisfied with the new job.

An LMS is a great asset here, as it comes with the proper tools to make learning flexible and accessible, giving employees the opportunity to access and acquire knowledge at their own pace, which translates into higher levels of knowledge retention.

Partner training

This should be an essential aspect of your partner enablement strategy, and its purpose is to teach your stakeholders, suppliers, consultants and any other partners everything they should know about the organization, further ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

To put it differently, as we said before, being on the same page with your partners is fundamental because you have to make sure that you work with people that deeply understand your organization, your products, and your core values. An LMS offers you the environment to make the most of your partner training, providing modern administrative tools, an intuitive and in-depth overview of the training process and the communication tools you need to always be in touch with your business partners.

Client training

This is basically the process of educating your clients on how to fully take advantage of your products and services, so that they maximize the results and achieve their learning and development objectives. You can thus build brand awareness, improve customer satisfaction and relationship building, generate additional revenues, and improve the overall clients experience, all with the help of an LMS which does the hard work for you. Keep all your customers educated in one place and have full control over the training process.

LMS features that you might need

  1. LMS features to cover the learning process, which are useful for any of the training types mentioned above, leading to a smooth learning experience for your learners. A few of them are the following:
  • Collaboration management tools
  • User guide available for any type of role
  • Learning paths to enhance long-term productivity
  • Blended learning tools
  • Credentials management to reduce risks, liability and exposure
  1. LMS tools to cover the compliance management aspect and to keep you in control, such as the following:
  • Certification expiration management
  • Due date notifications
  • Testing knowledge beforehand to assess the knowledge level
  • Business rules
  1. Enterprise security tools, among which we mention:
  • IP Blocker
  • Live logs
  • Legacy System Integrator
  • Compliance with security standards

There are various types of training programs out there, different learners and, with the right LMS, a variety of tools to accomplish all of these needs, both for the learners and for the professionals in charge with the learning process.


Some (final) thoughts

Drop us a line if you want us to be a part of your learning journey, no matter of the type of training you want to organize.


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