eLearning builds loyalty: Deeper customer relationships

Published Date:  04 Jun, 2024 
| Updated Date:  23 Oct, 2024

Content creation: a bit of context

Did you know that the eLearning market size surpassed USD 315 billion in 2021 and is projected to observe 20% CAGR from 2022 to 2028? (source) This makes digital learning the fastest growing sector within the education industry, with professionals from all around the world, no matter their area of business, converging in this field to deliver training programs in a variety of topics.

But the Internet is full of thousands of free courses and pieces of content on a variety of websites, so why would a learner choose to digest information found on an eLearning platform? Well, first of all, the content found randomly on a Google search is universal and available to anyone, whereas eLearning products differentiate from this by being way more focused, time-efficient and learner oriented, fostering learning communities. At least, valuable learning products, delivered by training companies that know how to foster customer relationships, enlarge product offerings and market themselves effectively.

Content creation companies & eLearning

By content creation companies, we refer to all the training companies that provide training courses and content to companies, institutions and government, aiming at managing the content and its distribution to their customers, while delivering effective learning programs that enhance knowledge and skills. But there are many companies that deliver training programs nowadays, so what would give them a competitive advantage? Our bet is eLearning and before saying that we cannot be objective (we?re the people behind an eLearning platform after all), let us show you a few benefits that come with an LMS.

You can automate your business

Coming up with valuable training content, focused on the customers? needs and adapted to specific educational standards is a job in itself. So why get a part-time job of managing the distribution of this content when an eLearning platform can automate the process for you? You can set different business rules on specific courses for specific customers, you can set up notifications when a new course is available and you can basically automate every step of the content delivery process, based on your specific outcomes.

Report, measure and track

Companies do not invest in learning and development programs just for the sake of it, they have an actual learning strategy in place, with measurable learning outcomes to be achieved and with specific learning paths for the workforce. With an eLearning product, a training company can keep track of the learning progress without any effort.

Build a valuable relationships with customers

?You must build solid and long-lasting relationships, ceasing to see a client as someone who just gives you money, changing the focus to a generator of business opportunities? (source). It sounds like a professional principle we should all work by, does not it?

How can you turn from a product delivering company into a generator of business opportunities? By enlarging your product offering, increasing the return of investment and even anticipating some of the clients? needs. When you use an eLearning platform, you do not only deliver the content in itself, but you offer a full learning experience for your clients, enabling them to have access to the content they need and, on top of that, to the tools they need to effectively digest this content.

Customer story

We asked one of the training companies that have been working with us for some years now why Knolyx?, and this was their answer:

?Well, we develop tailored made programs, modular programs for our customers, to help them in developing leadership and management competencies and sometimes, because our programs take even one year covered in many modules and we work with people who are spread all over Europe in international teams, we were looking for a collaborative platform.

Actually, this is what we found at Knolyx, a platform where not only we can upload all our materials and resources, but even our participants may upload their work. So, it is a place that incorporates all our work with such a client during one year. And we discovered Knolyx as a very user-friendly and very easy to use platform, not only by our participants, but by our trainers as well. It?s a good place to work.? (Madi Radulescu, Managing Partner)


Some (final) thoughts

We are looking forward to asking you, only a year from now, why you have chosen to work with us. We bet we can make your work smoother, while you can keep delivering valuable training materials for your customers. Sounds like a good team, doesn?t it?


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