eLearning for schools: we’d like to help

Published Date:  27 May, 2024 
| Updated Date:  15 Jan, 2025

eLearning: because education is vital

At Knolyx – eLearning platform, we’re all different, but we have one thing in common: we believe that education is vital. That it can make the difference. That it must be accessible. Thus, we designed an eLearning platform and we’ve directed our efforts and ideas towards bringing education closer to people.

We’ve always promoted online learning among companies, encouraging continuous development. We’ve talked about the importance of a learning culture, we’ve promoted the one-click-away knowledge, we’ve implemented tools that promote social learning.

We’ve talked about how the knowledge that we have all received from our teachers during our formal education must be reinforced and continued. Thus, our focus has always been the education that comes after school. But during these days, everything has changed. And formal education as it was one month ago must adapt. Thus, we’d like to help.

Many schools across the world had to shut down. But education must continue, children still need to gain information, to apply it, to keep up with their usual learning rhythm. One extra task for teachers, to move their professional activity online, to take care of logistics, to find ways to keep children and education together.

Dear teachers across the world, we admire your efforts, you’re the superheroes of these generations. As John Maxwell said, “students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. And these days, more than ever, you have to go to extra mile for education and that’s the biggest proof of caring. And we’d like to be a part of your efforts.

We know that you need to move your professional activity online and we can provide you with the online environment for free. You can use Knolyx, our eLearning platform, for live-streaming to teach your students, you can upload learning resources for them, you can use the evaluation tools to track their learning progress, you can benefit from the gamification tools to keep them engaged.

So, if you are a teacher and you’re looking for a learning environment to keep up with delivering knowledge, drop us a line. It’s free for you.



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